Join us, Sundays at 10am. 2828 Eureka Way, Redding, CA 96001
The Vineyard City Church of Redding was founded by Mike Cramer in the mid 1980’s. In the early 1990’s, Mark Beylik took over for the next 12 years and pastored a wonderful community until in 1997, following an amazing time of renewal, Mark passed the baton... Read More -> THINKING ABOUT COMING TO CHURCH?
We realize visiting a church for the first time can be somewhat of a big decision. Our church is filled with a wide variety of people: Conservatives, liberals, working poor, successful entrepreneurs, hunters, pacifists, stay at home moms, professional working women, English professors, language learners, those who know Jesus intimately and those... Read More-> MISSION & VISION
Our mission at Vineyard City Church is to "Make disciples who make disciples." Our vision at Vineyard City Church is to be "A community devoted to the person and purposes of Jesus." |
ONLINE DONATIONS*By using the on-line form, your tithe is subject to a transactions fee at the expense of the church, unless you decide to cover the fee. Another option includes mailing in your tithe or (and this is the easiest) setting up a direct debit through your bank.
To find the most up to date information on our weekly and monthly events, please visit our Facebook page or click on the following link:
You can also view our quarterly list of events! Information on our seasonal LifeGroups is available on our Events page. |
Children's MinistryHere at Vineyard City Church, we are committed to our next generation, and we work to make the church community a place where all children can feel welcome, known, and loved.
During our Sunday morning service, we offer Sunday School classes for... Read More-> |
Life GroupsLife groups are another way for the church body to connect throughout the week in small groups.
Please call the church office for current life group options and locations: 530-223-0919 |
WorshipAt VCC Redding, worship is at the core of everything we do. We desire to live our lives as people who understand who God is, what He's done for us, & what that means for our daily lives. That said, we believe worship to be:
"The act of freely giving ourselves to God."
One part of our worship is singing songs to God... Read More->
Youth and Family MinistriesVCC Youth Group is a place for teens to be met where they’re at regardless of circumstances or beliefs, helping them to connect to God, to each other, and to their community. Developing genuine connection with the youth is also very important to us. It is commonplace for our youth to...
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Leadership Team
Senior Pastor
Sean McMasters
I’ve been a part of this church for over 25 years. I started following Jesus when I was 21yrs old and thankfully found this church soon after. When I walked in I found people who genuinely wanted to follow Jesus. They were open about their faults, but were sincere in their desire to follow Christ. I was looking for a genuine expression of a community centered on Jesus and found it. It’s still one of my favorite churches of all time! I’ve been married to my wife Linda, who I met in this church, for 22yrs. We have 3 kids who are 18, 16, and 14. Linda attended Simpson and now teaches 2nd grade in Redding, which she is very passionate about. Our kids all attend public school (our oldest at a UC), which makes for some interesting conversations at the dinner table. We love to... Read More-> |
Associate Pastor
Todd Moegerle Hello! My name is Todd and I serve as associate pastor here at Vineyard City Church of Redding. It seems strange to say I’m a recent transplant from the Los Angelos area, since I made the move north over 15 years ago now, but it still feels fresh and new to me. The Lord used this church and its community to draw me back into the fellowship of believers over 10 years ago now. There’s a story there of God’s faithfulness in my journey that I’d be happy to share with you if you spot me in the sanctuary during your visit. Suffice it to say: The Vineyard church of Redding became the first church community. .. Read More -> |
Youth Leader
John & Erika Tuggle
We are John and Erika! We have a heart for the youth in our community and feel honored to get to serve them. We met in 2006 upon moving to Redding to attend Simpson University. We married in July of 2012 and moved to Indonesia the following spring to help launch a Bible Institute. We birthed our first child there and served there for 2 years. Shortly after returning to the states, our son was diagnosed with a rare terminal brain cancer. He battled his cancer for over a year before passing. By the grace and mercy of God, and the support of our friends and family, we are where we are today. We were then given the opportunity to relaunch the youth group and it was the best thing that we could have done as grieving parents. We’ve since added 3 daughters and 2 pups to our little family and life has been a beautifully insane rollercoaster of highs and lows. We enjoy laughing, connecting, and cultivating deep friendships. We are here to support both our youth and their families... Read More -> |
Children's Ministry Leader
Hi! I'm Linda.
I grew up in the small town of Chester, CA—so small that my graduating class had only 40 students. From there, I moved to the big city of Redding to attend Simpson College, where I encountered stoplights, freeways, and Costco for the first time—oh my! During college, I took part in every mission trip I could, traveling the world and meeting incredible people along the way. I spent two summers in Ukraine, followed by trips to Mongolia and Namibia. While many ladies head to a Christian college looking for a husband, I can proudly say that a guy from Shasta College found me! I married that curly-haired worship leader from a tiny Vineyard church, and together... Read More -> |
Church Administrator
Erik Baldwin
Hello, my name is Erik Baldwin, and I currently serve as Church Administrator for Vineyard City Church. I spent 9 years of my childhood growing up in Côte D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) in west Africa where I developed a heart for the African people and a love of learning about other cultures. After completing middle school and high school in the Redding area, I attended Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego where I earned my Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, and met Julia (who is now my wife). Upon graduating from Point Loma, I served as the IT Manager for the Bangui Evangelical School of Theology (BEST, or FATE .. Read More -> |
The Theology and Practice of the Kingdom of God. Vineyard has been committed to proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God and to bearing witness to the “already and not yet” of the kingdom in our words and deeds—through healing (physical, emotional, and social), doing justice, and delivering those held captive by evil. Since the kingdom of God is the future reign of God breaking into the present through the life and ministry of Jesus, we are a forward-leaning movement that emphasizes the ever-reforming nature of the church and engages the world in love... Read More -> |
Our Churchplants Vineyards in our areaSEE MORE-> |
Contact Us
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Phone: (530) 223 - 0919